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Oh boy here we go again. We’ve got some big employment law changes coming our way that we need to become familiar with as employers so we know what is a GO v a NO GO.

The Federal Government has introduced its “Secure Jobs, Better Pay Bill” into parliament and is moving to have it approved by 1 December 2022. They are moving at a concerning speed to pass what are significant changes involving a Bill that spans 250 pages.

The amendments include many (but not all) of the Federal Government’s pre-election promises to overhaul existing employment laws to create greater security of employment (including for casual employees, fixed term employees and gig economy workers) and better (and equal) pay conditions for employees.

So what are the changes? To spare you the mundane task of reading 250 pages, we’ve prepared a summary of the proposed amendments you can download.

Keep in mind however that the Bill is currently before Parliament and the amendments that actually do become law may well change. We’ll provide a further update once the Bill is passed and becomes law so make sure you register for our news alerts.

This is definitely one thing you need on your radar this year.